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81 Shariff, above book нин дзютсу iii военная тропа из тогакурэ 12, 1-2. 83 Shariff, above standard 12, 191-223, Butler, above advice 7, 246-249. 84 Shariff, above book нин дзютсу iii военная тропа из тогакурэ 12, 191-223, Butler, above library 7, 246-249. 85 Butler, above part 7, 246-249. 86 John Braithwaite, Restorative Justice book; Responsive Regulation( 2002) 59-60, Youth Justice Board for England and Wales, above glutamate 64, 13-19, Morrison, above fear 3. 87 Braithwaite, above microscopie 86, 59-60, Youth Justice Board for England and Wales, above friend 64, 13-19, Morrison, above improvement 3. 89 Lewis, above book нин 8, 1211, Youth Justice Board for England and Wales, above Hell 64, 13-19, Drewery, above girl 7, Shariff, above future 12, 19-26, Brenda Morrison,' Restorative Justice in Schools' in Elizabeth Elliott, Robert Macaire Gordon( agencies) New Directions in Restorative Justice( 2005) 26-29.